Halton Food for Thought has been feeding thousands of Halton students for nearly three decades!
Halton Food for Thought has been feeding Halton students for nearly three decades as the sole provider of Student Nutrition Programs in the region.
Our history isn’t uncommon; a grassroots group of people who identify a problem and came together to form a solution. In this case, one of the strongest groups you can have behind your cause: Parents. These Parents noticed that not every child at school had food in their lunch box or that many kids had food that didn’t contain enough nutrients to fuel their minds and bodies for learning. In 1997, the parents came together and formed an advisory committee to oversee the first 6 official Student Nutrition Programs in Halton. Fast forward to 2007, just ten years later, HFFT became an incorporated, registered, charity with its own Board of Directors and 63 programs.
As of June 2024, HFFT has partner programs in 152 schools, providing 95,000 Halton students access to healthy food during the school year. We have over 1,600 volunteers and dozens of community partners who all work together to feed students in their communities.
We connect Halton students with healthy food in school, so they can reach their full potential.
We believe in a Halton Region where no student goes hungry at school!
Leading The Way To A Healthier Halton
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